Changing your password

Changing your password is the same process as if you had forgotten your password.

  1. At the login screen enter the Username and select Next.

    The username is the email address.

  2. Select Forgot password?

    Select Forgot password?

  3. Select Send me an email.

    Select Send me an email.

  4. A unique code is sent to the registered email address.

    A unique code is sent to the registered email address.

    The code expires after an hour.

  5. Select Enter a code from the email instead.

    Select Enter a code from the email instead.

  6. Enter the code on the email.

  7. Select Verify.

    account password reset process, with Verify with your email screen and Enter Code text highlighted

  8. Enter your new password.

    Passwords should be at least 10 characters long. Your password cannot be any of your last 4 passwords

  9. Select Reset Password.

The reset link is sent to your registered email address. You will need access to this account.

Check your Junk or spam folders.

Not received the password reset email?